new place to create 

earn with your digital art

Would you like to convert your digital art into NFT and sell it?

NFT stands for (Non-Fungible Token), which utilizes blockchain technology to create a new trading market by adding unique value to digital data that is easy to copy. I mean technology.

Some digital art works with prices of hundreds of millions of yen have also appeared.  However, I think that it is a high hurdle for beginners to convert to NFT.  You can easily convert it to NFT just by sending your illustrations, comics, and photos.  The fee required for NFT conversion is included in the service content.

Please feel free to contact us first.


NFTとは(Non-Fungible Token)の略で、ブロックチェーン技術を活用し、コピーしやすいデジタルデータに独自の価値を付加することで、新たな取引市場を創出します。私は技術を意味します。






Would you like to try NFT?

レトロバイク | このページはカラフルに彩られています 2022
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